
GOAL: Disclosure pursuant to ’Article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 (as adapted by Legislative Decree No. 101 of August 10, 2018) and Article 13 of EU Regulation No. 2016/679.


According to ’Article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003, as adapted by Legislative Decree No. 101 of August 10, 2018, (hereinafter “Privacy Code”), and to ’Article 13 of EU Regulation No. 2016/679 (hereinafter, “GDPR”) laying down provisions for the protection of persons and other subjects with regard to the processing of personal data, we wish to inform you that the personal data you provide to :company, as Data Controller, :address :tax_data, by reason of the commercial and contractual relations between us, will be processed in compliance with the above-mentioned legislation and the related confidentiality obligations.

  • Object of processing
  • .

This information refers exclusively to the processing of personal, identified and non-sensitive data (by way of example, but not limited to: first name, last name, company name, telephone, e-mail (hereinafter also only “Data”) carried out by :company in the context of its commercial and contractual relations with customers and suppliers.
. In any case, :company will process the Data exclusively for the purposes and within the limits indicated in this notice.

  • Purposes of Data Processing.

The processing is aimed, for the fulfillments required by law, for the correct and complete execution of the commercial and contractual relationships existing within the respective social activities.
Specifically, your Data is processed for the following service purposes:

  1. to enable contact by :company for possible business arrangements;
  2. .
  3. process a contact request for the aforementioned purposes;
  4. send communication e-mails pertaining to the aforementioned business dealings and/or otherwise pertaining to the respective company's activities for the purpose of business understandings;
  5. send e-mails and/or communications of data changes and/or references of :company
  • Manner of data processing.

The processing may be carried out with or without the aid of electronic or otherwise automated tools, in compliance with the provisions of’art. 32 of GDPR 2016/679 and of’Annex B of the Privacy Code (articles 33-36 of the Privacy Code) on security measures.
The processing is carried out by the data controller and/or the persons in charge of the processing, and in any case by specially appointed individuals and in compliance with the provisions of’art. 29 GDPR 2016/679.
We point out that, in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, purpose limitation and data minimization, in accordance with the’art. 5 GDPR 2016/679, subject to your free and explicit consent where provided, your Data will be kept for the period of time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are collected and processed.

  • Data transfer.
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It should be noted that for data collected and used for needs attributable to the’performance of activities/services/supplies inherent to a contractual relationship or to respond to direct requests from the’data subject or compliance with legal obligations, consent is not required. Failure to provide the above data will, therefore, in the case, result in the’inability to proceed with the contractual relationship. For data collected and used for the legitimate interest of the Data Controller, your consent is not required (lett. f art. 6 GDPR).
The communication of the above personal data is optional but strictly necessary for the purpose of carrying out the activities referred to in point 2. Any refusal to provide the data will result in the’inability to carry out the activities referred to in point 2.

  • Communication of data.

We inform that the data collected may come to the attention of the persons in charge of the processing and may be communicated for the purposes set forth in point 2 to external collaborators, entities operating in the judicial sector, counterparties and their defenders, arbitration panels and, in general, to all those public and private entities to which the communication is necessary for the proper fulfillment of the purposes set forth in point 2 and for the fulfillment of legal obligations.

  • Disclosure of data.

The data are not subject to dissemination or unspecified communication without Your explicit consent, outside of the assumption referred to in the preceding point.

  • Data transfer abroad.
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Data management and storage will take place in Europe, on servers located in Europe of the Data Controller and/or third party companies specifically appointed for this purpose and which will be, in the case, appointed as Data Processors.
The data will not be transferred to third countries outside the European Union.

  • Rights of the data subject.

We inform you that, at any time, you may exercise, pursuant to art. 7 of the Privacy Code and articles 15 to 22 of EU Regulation 2016/679, the’exercise of specific rights, including:

  1. to request confirmation of the’existence or non-existence of one's own data and their provision in intelligible form;
  2. obtain information about the origin of the data, the categories of personal data, the purposes and methods of processing, the logic applied to the processing, the identification details of the owner and recipients to whom the data may be communicated and, when possible, the period of storage;
  3. obtain updating, rectification and integration of data, cancellation, restriction of processing;
  4. obtain portability of data, i.e. receive them from a data controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and transmit them to another data controller without hindrance;
  5. oppose to the processing at any time and also in the case of processing for the purposes of both indirect and direct marketing, market research and profiling, except in cases of mandatory data processing expressly provided for by the Laws in force;
  6. oppose an automated decision-making process related to natural persons, including profiling;
  7. to lodge a complaint with a’supervisory authority pursuant to art. 77 GDPR. For Italy, the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali is competent, which can be contacted through the contact details given on the;
  8. website.
  9. revoke consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing on the consent given before the revocation, and except for the cases of mandatory data processing expressly provided for by the Laws in force.

You may exercise your rights by sending an appropriate written request sent to the Data Controller, namely :company. Requests will be processed without undue delay and, in any case, within one month from the request; only in case of particular complexity and the number of requests this term may be extended for an additional 2 (two) months.

  • Owner of the processing.

Processor is :company, :address.